
Do I need a Registered Surveyor?

A Registered Land Surveyor is required for any NSW Land Survey project where the project relates to site Boundaries or easements. This includes house set outs, detailed and level surveys, boundary marking or subdivision.

Don’t leave anything to chance–consult with us today to see how we can help achieve your project goals with confidence.

How much does a survey cost and how long does it take?

The cost of a survey and the time it takes can vary depending on the size and complexity of your project. To get an accurate estimate, reach out to us with some details about your specific needs, and we’ll provide you with advice and a transparent breakdown of costs and timelines.

Rest assured, we’re committed to delivering efficient and cost-effective survey solutions tailored to your requirements, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience from start to finish.

Can I subdivide my land?

It may be possible to subdivide your land.

Land subdivision is governed by many pieces of Planning Legislation and Regulation in addition to state policies, Council policies and Complying Development requirements. 

Our team at Clement & Reid can help you navigate through these requirements, ensuring your land meets all the necessary criteria for a successful subdivision. Let’s explore the possibilities together and unlock the full potential of your property.

Do I need a Development Application (DA)?

You may need a Development Application (DA) depending on the nature of your project. 

You may be able to utiise other avenues for consent as well depending on what you wish to do.

DAs are typically required for larger construction or renovation projects, changes in land use, or projects that may impact the environment or surrounding community.

It’s best to consult with our team at Clement & Reid to determine if your project requires a DA and to navigate the application process efficiently.

Do I need to contact the council?

Whilst most developments require Council Consent, this Is not universally true. Its possibly best to contact us first to discuss your proposed project and explore the options for consent before contacting Council.

We are experts in the NSW Development process and can manage Council contact with you to reach your desired outcome.


What services does Clement & Reid offer?

Clement & Reid offers a comprehensive suite of surveying services including land surveying, town planning, high-definition 3D laser scanning, BIM solutions, GIS, and subdivision services and management.

How does Clement & Reid ensure the quality of its services?

Our company is ISO 9001 Certified, reflecting its commitment to maintaining a high-quality management system. Additionally, our owners actively work within the business, ensuring a hands-on approach to quality control.

What areas does Clement & Reid serve?

While our company operates predominantly in the Greater Sydney region, it also extends its services to Regional NSW. From the vibrant neighbourhoods of the lower and upper North Shore to the bustling Western suburbs, the scenic Eastern suburbs, and beyond, we’re dedicated to reaching clients wherever they are.

With a commitment to excellence, our reach extends far and wide, ensuring that no matter where you’re located, Clement & Reid is there to meet your needs.

What makes Clement & Reid's approach to projects unique?

Clement & Reid provides bespoke solutions to each project, applying years of experience and appropriate current technology to provide effective and efficient solutions to your project requirements.

Clement & Reid stands out in the fields of design, architecture, engineering and construction by providing custom solutions that cater to the needs of every project. 

Some of the technologies we use include high definition laser scanning and Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions.

How does Clement & Reid support its clients and staff?

Our company values its relationships with clients and suppliers, many of whom have been with us for over a decade. This allows for comprehensive advice and support. Additionally, Clement & Reid strives to provide an environment conducive to professional and personal development for its staff, along with a work/life balance.

Land SurveyingFAQ

What is the importance of land surveying?

Land surveying is crucial for several reasons. It ensures accurate property definition, which is essential for legal transactions, dispute resolution, and effective land use planning. Surveying helps in establishing property boundaries, which are critical for determining ownership and avoiding disputes between neighbours. 

Additionally, it supports infrastructure development by providing precise data needed for construction and urban planning, thus facilitating efficient land utilisation and minimising conflicts.

How much does a survey cost and how long does it take?

The cost of a survey and the time it takes can vary depending on the size and complexity of your project. To get an accurate estimate, reach out to us with some details about your specific needs, and we’ll provide you with a transparent breakdown of costs and timelines.

Rest assured, we’re committed to delivering efficient and cost-effective survey solutions tailored to your requirements, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience from start to finish.

What technology do our land surveyors use?

Our land surveyors use a variety of technologies to enhance accuracy and efficiency. These include GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), Robotic Total Stations, Terrestrial Laser Scanners (LIDAR) and Point Clouds.

These technologies allow our team of surveyors to capture detailed and precise data about the land's topography, boundaries, and features, which are essential for planning and development.

What type of survey do I need for my project?

The type of survey you need for your project depends on the specific requirements and objectives. For instance, a lease survey is ideal for identifying property boundaries and lease areas, while a topographic survey provides detailed information about the land's features and elevations.

It's best to consult with our professional land surveyors who can assess your project's needs and recommend the most suitable survey type.

What should I provide to a surveyor before they start?

You should be able to provide the surveyor with the property address, any specific requirements for the survey and the purpose of the survey.

Telling the surveyor what you hope to achieve with your project allows us to determine the best survey solution for you and your needs or offer more efficient alternatives.

Town PlanningFAQ

What is a Development Application (DA)?

A Development Application (DA) is a formal request made to the local council for permission to carry out a proposed development or land use change. It is a legal requirement for most types of development, including construction, demolition, subdivision, change of use, and certain renovations or alterations. 

The DA outlines the details of the proposed development and demonstrates compliance with relevant planning controls, policies, and regulations.

What is a Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE)?

A Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) is a report that accompanies a Development Application (DA). It provides a comprehensive assessment of the potential environmental impacts of the proposed development. 

The SEE outlines the development proposal, addresses relevant planning policies and controls, and demonstrates how the development will mitigate or manage any adverse impacts on the natural, built, and social environments.

What is a Constraints Report?

A Constraints Report is a comprehensive analysis of the known and potential constraints that may affect a particular site or land parcel. It identifies and assesses various physical, environmental, and regulatory constraints that could impact the development potential or suitability of the land. 

These constraints may include factors such as steep terrain, rock outcrops, bushfire risk, ecological considerations, geotechnical issues, contamination, heritage listings, zoning restrictions, and other planning controls.

What is a 4.6 Variation Statement / Assessment?

A 4.6 Variation Statement or Assessment is a report prepared to support a request for a variation or exception to a development standard specified in a Local Environmental Plan (LEP). Clause 4.6 of the Standard Instrument LEP provides a mechanism for consent authorities to grant exceptions to development standards in certain circumstances. 

The 4.6 Variation Statement outlines the specific development standard being varied, demonstrates that compliance with the standard is unreasonable or unnecessary in the particular case, and provides sufficient environmental planning grounds to justify contravening the development standard.

What is a Rezoning Application?

A Rezoning Application, also known as a Planning Proposal, is a formal request to change the zoning or land use designation of a particular site or area. It involves amending the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to rezone the land from one zoning category to another, such as from residential to commercial or industrial. 

The application typically includes a detailed planning proposal, supporting studies and reports, and justification for the proposed rezoning based on strategic planning principles and the public interest.

3D Laser ScanningFAQ

What types of projects can benefit from 3D laser scanning?

3D Laser scanning is the choice technology where site conditions require speed of data collection. This may include high traffic areas, accident areas, sensitive areas and where huge data sets are beneficial.

3D laser scanning is versatile and beneficial for various projects including construction, architectural restoration, industrial design, and infrastructure development. It provides architects, engineers, and planners with precise data, reducing the need for physical site visits and manual measurements.

How accurate is 3D laser scanning?

3D laser scanning is extremely accurate, capturing details down a few millimetres. This precision is crucial for complex projects where small discrepancies can lead to significant issues during construction or manufacturing.

Can 3D laser scanning be used for both interior and exterior measurements?

Yes, 3D laser scanning is effective for capturing both interior and exterior features. It is particularly useful in environments that are difficult to measure using traditional methods, such as intricate architectural details or hazardous locations.

3D laser scanning works in the dark as well making it ideal for low light applications such as tunnels and ducts.

What is the output of a 3D laser scanning process?

The primary output is a point cloud, which can be further processed into 2D drawings or 3D models depending on the project requirements. These outputs can be integrated into various software platforms for further analysis planning and use.

How long does a typical 3D laser scanning session take?

The duration of a scanning session depends on the complexity and size of the project. However, laser scanning is significantly faster on site than traditional surveying methods, often completing data capture in a fraction of the time.

BIM ServicesFAQ

What are the key benefits of using BIM?

BIM offers significant advantages including enhanced coordination among stakeholders, reduced errors, and increased efficiency in the construction process. It allows for better visualisation of projects, improved clash detection, and streamlined modifications during the design phase.

How does BIM contribute to cost savings?

By enabling detailed visualisation and acting as a common data environment, BIM helps in identifying potential issues early, which reduces the need for costly changes during construction. It also helps optimise resource allocation and scheduling, leading to more efficient project execution.

Can BIM be used for existing buildings?

Yes, BIM is not only for new projects but can also be applied to existing structures. It involves creating a digital model of the existing building, which can provide the foundation for renovation, maintenance, or expansion projects.

What is the role of a BIM manager?

BIM managers act as the collaborators between the client, engineers, architects and the supply chain. Overseeing the 3D spatial, 2D Drawings, and informational data across the project.

How does BIM integrate with virtual and augmented reality?

BIM models are compatible with virtual and augmented reality technologies, providing immersive experiences that enhance project visualisation. This integration allows stakeholders to explore complex details of a project in a virtual environment before actual construction begins.

Expert WitnessFAQ

What qualifications should a surveyor have to serve as an Expert Witness?

A surveyor acting as an Expert Witness should possess extensive experience in the field of surveying, typically with a minimum of 15 years of professional practice experience. They should hold relevant registrations, qualifications and memberships in professional bodies such as GeoSpatial Council of Australia or Consulting Surveyors NSW.  Continuous professional development and specific training in providing expert testimony are also crucial to ensure they are up-to-date with industry standards.

In what types of legal cases might a surveyor serve as an Expert Witness?

Surveyors can serve as Expert Witnesses in a variety of legal cases involving Strata,  land subdivision, land development and property disputes. This includes boundary disputes, construction disputes, cases of professional negligence, planning issues, and ownership and responsibility extents. Their expertise is vital in providing clear, objective, and technically sound evidence to support the Court.

What is the role of a surveyor when acting as an Expert Witness?

When acting as an Expert Witness, a surveyor's primary role is to provide an independent and impartial opinion based on their professional expertise to assist the Court in understanding the issues of a case. They must prepare detailed reports, possibly conduct site inspections, and present findings in court or tribunal settings. Their testimony should help the court understand complex surveying issues and contribute to a fair resolution of the dispute.

How does a surveyor ensure impartiality when providing expert witness testimony?

Impartiality is fundamental to the role of an Expert Witness. Surveyors must base their testimony solely on their professional assessment and not be influenced by the parties involved in the case. They are required to adhere to strict ethical guidelines, professional standards,  and regulation  Their duty is to the court or tribunal above any obligation to the party who has appointed them.

Can a surveyor act as both an advocate and an Expert Witness in the same case?

No, surveyors should not act in both roles in the same matter. To do so would create a potential for perceived or real conflict of interest which is to be avoided. The surveyor must ensure that when acting as an Expert Witness, their testimony remains neutral and unbiased, focused solely on providing factual and expert evidence.